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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Some snow for small teams...

12-24-12 - about 6 inches of snow and COLD!

Here's a view looking east from the dog  barn, across the open space in front of the lodge.  Christy and I ran 3 dog teams this morning - was so much fun to be back on a sled again.  Rather than traveling somewhere else I am going to be happy with what I have in  my own back yard.  The dogs loved being able to run, run, run.  No more holding back and building muscle, time to stretch out and GO.  Hopefully Rick will get the snowmobile back on the trails soon.  It died on Monday after a mile or so. LOTS more trees to cut up on the National Forest trails. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dryland Event with a frosting of snow - best of both seasons.

We had a little bit of sun on Saturday, a nice cool day for running dogs.  Enough snow to frost all the trees and bushes and keep you on your toes on a dryland rig.  This is the area we call "Eagle View" where we shared the trail with a family of eagles a few years ago.  The above photo is looking south - that's Cynthia coming in with her team from the west.
This view is looking north in Eagle View.  Every trail is slightly uphill from this open, logged off area.  This is the location that we (MiDD) are asking for a designated parking lot for public, multi-use, non-motorized access to our winter trail system.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fall, 2012

Wow, March 18th since the last post.  Where does the time go?  Sure hope we aren't circling the drain, as fast as time flies these days. 

MiDD's annual meeting is this Saturday.  Linda is working on signing all the Last Chance trails so you can leave camp and find your way around the 100 acres of private trails (and stay off of the Manistee National Forest trails until snow flies.)  Of course, hiking on the forest service areas are just fine.

Photo is from the archives....Sting rolling in the good would that feel right now?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Intro to Dog Powered Sports in the Brighton, MI. area - 3-31-12

You can view the flyer and entry form at the following link for the Intro to Dog Powered Sports at the Huron Meadows Metro Park in Brighton, MI. on Sat. 3-31-12

Friday, January 27, 2012

Update - Friday, Jan. 27th - noon

From 9 and 10 News – noon

Friday night:” …while the Northern L.P. and Central L.P. could see 1"- 3". Overnight lows will be in the 20s with a few isolated 30s.

Saturday will start with a few snow showers that could be heavy at times at daybreak. Light snow and mostly cloudy skies will hang around throughout the day with highs in the upper 20s and mid 30s. “

We got just enough precipitation overnight and now the sun, to ice up our driveway and the kennel. Rick is sanding the driveway from 32nd St. into the staging area right now. 32nd St. has been sanded this week already.

Yak Trax will be in order for getting between the camping/parking area and the lodge - that area is out in the open between the two. Just got in from marking the trails - it still looks good. The two stretches of seasonal roads (2 miles?) are icy in the tire tracks in a few places - we put in a fresh snomo trail on the far right side this morning so that should work out well. A couple of inches of snow will make it just right, otherwise I'm guessing the trails will be hard and fast. Rick is planning on running the trails with the groomer tomorrow morning well before the start at 11 a .m.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sweetwater Challenge #1 is a GO!

Here's a photo of Stearns at Wingleton (Stearns is a seasonal road.)
Shows the amount of snow we had yesterday (01-25-12) at noon.

Conditions are looking good for Saturday. Expecting more snow Friday night into Saturday a.m. Rick has been grooming trails today - says conditions are good!

I hear that there's no snow east of Clare and ice in Grand Rapids - we have SNOWY trails here in Baldwin!

Late entries taken up to the drivers meeting at 9 a .m. on Saturday.

Monday, January 2, 2012